Board Members
Tewodros Gemechu
Meklit Berihun
Mekedela Mekuria
Tariku Shimelis
Mesay Shemsu
Management and Planning
Inform Africa is a Board-led civic society organization where an executive director selected by the board of directors is in charge of the day-to-day activity of the organization. There will be five different departments under the Executive Director all with their own department head and specific roles and responsibilities. Additional divisions will be operating under the departments.
Inform Africa will devise its strategic plan that articulates the organizations’ goals and objectives, the essential steps, and actions needed to be taken to accomplish those goals, and other important elements that are developed amidst planning. The strategic plan document will be developed by the Planning divisions, Strategic Planning Officer. Heads of each department and division will send their specific department strategic plan to the Strategic Planning Officer. The Strategic Planning Officer will compile and finalize the document. A workshop will be organized by the Planning Division, where the draft compiled strategic plan will be presented and discussed. After incorporating the feedback, comments and suggestions made during the workshop the Strategic Planning Officer will send it to the Executive Director for final comments, edits and feedback. Afterward, the document will be finalized and the Executive Director will present it to the Board of Directors at the beginning of the fiscal year. The Board of Directors will convene, comment, and vote on the Strategic Plan which will be adopted if approved.
The strategic plan will be monitored and evaluated quarterly and annually by the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. The quarterly evaluation report will be presented to the Executive Director and Department Heads. The annual evaluation report will be presented to the Board of Directors at the end of the fiscal year.